The experience of becoming love. Focus on being you. Surrender to a deeper knowing of joy.
A hand-cut collage in my art journal using one magazine (free from my local pharmacy), a pair of scissors and glue stick.
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I see you rain. I hear your soothing sound. I feel you on my skin.
An intuited soul sketch in my art journal just before recent rains arrived.
It’s so welcome and still more prayers for rain, steady and easeful rain, are needed for a land that has been experiencing a long-standing drought.
Because the land is dry, recent rains have created flash flooding in some areas and washed huge amounts of ash from this devastating bushfire season into waterways. In other areas the water evaporated as soon as the sun reemerged.
May the much-needed rain that is helping to ease the fires, disperse the smoke and hydrate creatures and the land, arrive in the most easeful way possible for our dams, drinking water and aquatic wildlife.
Because we need the rain.
Steady and plentiful.
It was so soothing to paint this visual prayer.
As soon as it was done, I felt it wanted to be coloured in by others too.
And so it inspired my latest offering to you.
Want the printable poster?
As a creative way to offer up a prayer for steady and plentiful rain, I created a free printable poster for you. Pop your name in below and I’ll send you the high quality printable. You’ll also be on my list for regular soul-nourishing goodness (psst. this is where I tuck in exclusive offers + freebies). Yay!
Yes! Send me the poster!
Thank you for being here and reading these words.
Know peeps who would find value in this read? Please share the love via your fav social feed. Ready to align deeper with your divine self? Check out 1:1 Sessions with me.
The sacred centre of you is connected to the sacred centre of all things that matter to you.
When you feel pulled out of your centre, not in your centre or off-kilter, bringing your awareness to your breath is one way to soothe the self back to centre.
Q. Can I keep my eyes open?
A. Yes. During times of heightened mental activity or intense emotional times it can feel too much, even disorientating, to close the eyes. If closing your eyes feels uncomfy, keep your eyes open and allow your vision to rest on an object or piece of nature that is at arms length or so in front of you. It can helpful too, if it is lower than your eye level.
And breathe.
Thank you for being here and reading these words.
If you found value in this post join my list below to receive the latest soul-nourishing goodness from me straight to your inbox + it’s also where I tuck in exclusive offers and freebies, yay! Know peeps who would also find value in this read? Please share the love via your fav social feed. How to work deeper with me; Check out 1:1 Sessions with me.
Creativity allows relief for emotion, creates sacred space for expression and provides a holy vessel for visual prayers and gratitude.
Water drops drawn on fallen magnolia leaves (for me these represent the ancient yet ever-expanding divine feminine energy within all life), with visions of steady and plentiful rain, while imagining tucking into the heart of Mama Creator every person, family, creature, community, home, livelihood, land and eco-system touched by these fires.
We have tipped the scales of humanity as a collective onlooker to a changing world, and are being called to create the change we seek.
Allow it to be what it looks like for you.
Thank you for being here and reading these words.
If you found value in this post join my list below to receive the latest soul-nourishing goodness from me straight to your inbox + it’s also where I tuck in exclusive offers and freebies, yay! Know peeps who would also find value in this read? Please share the love via your fav social feed. How to work deeper with me; Check out 1:1 Sessions with me.
How you (be) hold yourself is how you are be (held).
An intuited soul sketch for the day in my art journal.
Ink pen + watercolour.
p.s. I see you tiny twinkling pink star near my brush…
Behold :: To acknowledge and appreciate divine, remarkable or impressive aspects and qualities.
What do you behold about yourself right now or what would you like to behold about you?
Tune into that life-enhancing focus.
If you feel called to, use that question as a prompt for your notebook or art journal.
Thank you for being here and reading these words.
If you found value in this post join my list below to receive the latest soul-nourishing goodness from me straight to your inbox + it’s also where I tuck in exclusive offers and freebies, yay! Know peeps who would also find value in this read? Please share the love via your fav social feed. How to work deeper with me; Check out 1:1 Sessions with me.