Jelena Mrkich is a Visionary Artist, Art Therapist, Transformation Coach and Intuitive Guide.

Her guides call her… She Who Sees The Mystery.

Born with an innate desire to express life through creativity, she has a deep passion for soul-empowering and visionary projects and a world that honours the sacredness in love, truth and real beauty.

She combines a life-time of creative practices with over 20 years of personal experience with self-growth, journalling, visioning and meditation. Extending on the teachings of her Mum and Energy Intuitive Miki Mrkich (1951-2002), Jelena has studied various artistic, shamanic and healing modalities and holds Reiki II and Colour Therapy I certificates. Since 2009 she also holds an Advanced Diploma in Transpersonal Art Therapy from Sydney’s College of Complimentary Medicine.

Jelena has facilitated volunteer art-making workshops at Bear Cottage Children’s Hospice in Manly (Sydney, Australia), was a member of Artists in Motion and while it was active she was invited to sit on the AIM board. For the past twelve years Jelena has been leading group work with children, teens and adults.

Jelena’s offerings are a custom blend of transpersonal art therapy, creative expression, therapeutic processes, empowering techniques, client-centred counselling, shamanic ways, intuitive guidance, energy healing and a holistic, soul-centred approach.

“I love the way Jelena gets you in touch with your higher self… She has a uniquely gifted way of helping you align and centre yourself to enable healing and releasing of what comes up. Jelena has a great way of putting into simple words messages that come through to her for her clients’ higher life purpose. She has loads of integrity and a caring manner that provides a safe and nurturing environment for her clients to come into. Thank you Jelena.” – Anka

As an artist Jelena’s work has been featured as the cover art for publications in Australia, USA and Europe, and has been used globally on an album cover and book cover. She has been a part of numerous creative collaborations, over a dozen group exhibitions and three solo shows including Dive in Sydney and Tutto e Possibile in Melbourne, along with showcasing 33 pieces of her artwork at Harmonia, Spain’s new media festival and having her work featured in the I CAN WE CAN exhibition in San Pedro, California, USA.

Her artwork is an exploration of the beauty of the Universe, within us and out. This is profoundly shown through her digital and mixed media pieces, and is also captured through her photography. Other mediums of choice include ink, watercolours, photographic manipulations, life drawing, body painting and jewellery-making.

It is Jelena’s life-long personal medicine to tap into the ever-expanding essence of creativity as as a tool for self-empowerment, healing and transformation.

How Jelena works with creativity + you.

Jelena is the creator and facilitator of soul-nourishing courses and workshops, including: A Return to Self, Way of Your Vortex and 40 Days of Venus. These are run as Live Rounds.

Jelena works with clients and course participants around the world, including from: Australia, Canada, Finland, Indonesia, Japan, Mexico, New Zealand, Spain, the UK and USA.

Jelena is based in Newport on the Northern Beaches in Sydney, Australia.

She is a mama-human to two fluffy Zen Masters and eight fabulous hens.

Want to learn more about Jelena?

  • She graduated from Billy Blue School of Graphic Design & Advertising in 1994.
  • Has worked as both an in-house and freelance Graphic Designer.
  • In 1998 she broadened her design skills, becoming a self-taught Web Developer/Designer.
  • She has studied at Il Bisonte International School of Graphic Arts in Florence, Italy specialising in the old traditional techniques of print-making, including mono-print, chine colle and etching.
  • In 1998 at only 22, Jelena courageously walked away from her secure job, stepping into the entrepreneurial world where she could more fully express her natural creative abilities and ideas. She founded Mesha, developing and designing a range of enviro-friendly hand-made products.
  • From 2000 Jelena was also the co-creator of journaling website Wakimbo, an online inspirational sanctuary supporting people to become more of who they really are filled with empowering exercises and content. Wakimbo also produced Australia’s first brand of journals specifically marketed as tools for personal growth. The journals were designed and handmade by Jelena.
  • In 2007 Jelena experienced a period of physical fatigue requiring long bouts of rest and introspection. This turned out to be a gem in disguise as it fuelled a deeper connection to her creative intuition.
  • In 2008 she was asked to facilitate Soul Sessions and Energy Healings at Namaste Inner Light, a metaphysical store and healing centre in Sydney, Australia which also displayed and sold Jelena’s visionary artwork.
  • Over the past several years Jelena has completed online studies in shamanic painting, intuitive practices, relationships and business.
  • Jelena’s favourite line to use on her About page (there have been many editions since creating her first website in 1998), is this one:

“Jelena’s work brings into view that which might not be ordinarily visible to the human eye. Is it true? The truth is in your own heart.”

Here’s how Jelena can help:

  • Align with your crystal clear guidance via 1:1 Sessions here.
  • Renew your sense of self in the deep dive that is 40 days of Venus here.