
Sketchy pencil on my path + a unicorn.

Divine communication is flowing your way, every day.

That ever-present dynamic between the Universe/ Source/ Mama Creation and you.
That ever-beaming guidance from your inner being/ inner self/ highest self to you.

For me today divine communication showed up in the form of a sharpened 2B sketching pencil.

I have gone on thousands of walks, and this was the first time I have come across such a thing, literally right in front of my feet.

It might sound trivial. Like, “Yay you. You found a pencil”.

But what made it not just a pencil for me, was its symbolic meaning and the way it felt to my being.

Add to that, its impeccable timing.

Before my walk, I had flipped open my journal and wrote about fine-tuning priorities (not an everyday theme explored in my journal). I even wrote a deliberate note, to do three specific creative-fire-fuelling tasks in my studio before other errands. And I could feel myself needing some reinforcement. 

So, to then come across this creative wand tool (which also happens to be one of my fav), an immediate feeling of “Ahhh, thank you” flowed through me. A thank you to Mama Creation for the reinforcing sign.

All the things in the world hold their universal, communal or common meanings. However we each hold our own personal meanings of these same things.

Like the pencil. Maybe someone else walked right over it or even if they had spotted it perhaps it didn’t spark any connection. 

For me, it was a visual symbol of sharp focus, a reminder to tend to my creative-fire-fuelling things and felt so “on point”.

Speaking of pointy things, yes that is a golden-horned unicorn with a blue mane to the right of the pencil. It was a few metres up from my treasured find.

In what ways have you been noticing divine communication on your path?

Thank you for being here and reading these words.

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So much love for you,

Jelena xx

I see you, número três.

I see you, número três.

Every time I see this hand-painted number adorning the wooden mirror frame at one of my fav local cafes, it speaks to me of divine signs, messages and synchronicities.

The more we notice and receive them, the more they show up for noticing and receiving.

One way to receive them is through appreciation.

The Universe/ Source/ Mama Creation hears every ‘thank you’ in all the ways it can be expressed through our being, be it; spoken aloud, said quietly within, gestured via our hands placed over our hearts, a head nod, a high five in the air, momentarily closing our eyes, a smile, a note of gratitude in our journal or however your body chooses to respond to and engage with this ever-flowing stream of communication.

Divine signs, messages and synchronicities are like sacred gems that are delivered on our path. Often more times and in more ways than we notice. Some can land right in front of our nose, and find us questioning or doubting if it’s really cosmically on purpose. Other times they arrive clear as day or in such a way it’s impossible to ignore. Especially when the same theme, topic or subject shows up twice, three times or more.

They can even become a pattern or a form of dialogue between you and your inner knowing. For example, I spot five cent pieces on the ground right when I need a reminder I am ‘on track’. It began over a decade ago and still happens to this day. The little rounds of silver have found me at my local farmers markets, when I’m out on a walk and at the airport. They’ve even found me when I’ve travelled to the other side of the world, and shown up in the local currency.

Sure, we can dismiss these happenings or call them mere coincidences.

Yet, something anchors more deeply within us the more we open to receiving them.

Every time we acknowledge these sacred gems that show up on our path, by divine default we are acknowledging our interconnectedness with all that is.

Right now on our planet, anything that strengthens our innate sense of connectedness and natural connection with our divine life force, to that I say, I see you.

Thank you for being here and reading these words.

If you found value in this post join my list below to receive the latest soul-nourishing goodness from me straight to your inbox + it’s also where I tuck in exclusive offers and freebies, yay! Know peeps who would also find value in this read? Please share the love via your fav social feed. How to work deeper with me; Check out 1:1 Sessions with me.

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So much love for you,

Jelena xx

The divine sees you, wherever you are.

The divine sees you wherever you are, even when you feel invisible, in some way lost or moving through an experience in which you find yourself unable to recognise who you are.

A check-in for your now;

“How am I seeing myself in this moment?”

Through a lens that serves and supports you or through one that no longer fits?

Want to tune into this check-in further? Here are a few ways to work with it…

Use it as a focus during meditation.
Write it out in your journal and see what flows on from it for you.
Express it out via any medium that calls you in your visual diary.

Thank you for being here and reading these words.

If you found value in this post join my list below to receive the latest soul-nourishing goodness from me straight to your inbox + it’s also where I tuck in exclusive offers and freebies, yay! Know peeps who would also find value in this read? Please share the love via your fav social feed. How to work deeper with me; Check out 1:1 Sessions with me.

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So much love for you,

Jelena xx

I breathe in my light; a mantra for the now.

A mantra for the now as we move into the weekend.

I breathe in my light.
My light is ever-loving me.
I am loving my light.

Inspired by the blog post, Light, Clarity and hello Full Moon in Scorpio.

A reminder to self, your light holds clarifying power to reveal the previously unseen within you and on your path. Whether that clarity is soothing or startling, know it arrives offering deeper clarity with where you are at in relation to what truly matters to you.

The more you appreciate what your light reveals for you, the more things that you appreciate reveal themselves to you.

Want to tune into this mantra? Here are a few ways to work with it…

Use it as a focus during meditation.
Write it out in your journal and see what flows on from it for you.
Express it out via any medium that calls you in your visual diary.

Thank you for being here and reading these words.

If you found value in this post join my list below to receive the latest soul-nourishing goodness from me straight to your inbox + it’s also where I tuck in exclusive offers and freebies, yay! Know peeps who would also find value in this read? Please share the love via your fav social feed. How to work deeper with me; Check out 1:1 Sessions with me.

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So much love for you,

Jelena xx

The question took her by surprise; A mixed media piece in my art journal.

The question took her by surprise. A mixed media piece in my art journal.

Inspired by this week’s Full Moon in Scorpio and it’s razor-sharp focused vibes. Along with the current planetary positions and movements of Saturn, Uranus and Pluto. The outer planets that love to play hard ball, that excel at accelerating personal and collective growth. Growth which can show up in our individual lives like we’ve been unexpectedly enrolled into bootcamp training. The kind of training that pushes you to access and activate abilities you forgot about or didn’t yet know you had. The kind that reinforces your natural talents and catapults your skills to the next level or calls you to deeply review how you are applying them in your daily life. Like a seed sprouting out from the earth or a flower blooming from a bud, these energies help push us out of our comfort zones. And not without a few (or many!) of our buttons being pushed too.

This type of cosmic weather reminds me of the perspective;

The Universe is not doing anything to you, it is doing things for you.

Which brings me back to my mixed media piece.

I was flipping through the pages of a pre-loved book and these six words jumped out at me….

“The question took her by surprise”.

Now, imagine this question was not one that somebody else asked ‘her’, but was a question she asked of herself.

What question(s) would you voice to yourself if you were standing in a place of sureness?

What question(s) would you want the solution, resolution or answers to, if you allowed yourself to breathe in pure possibility and the knowing you are capable of living your dreams (including the way you feel about yourself and how you move through your experiences)?

What question(s) would you ask of yourself that would surprise you – which would also serve and lend support to your visions and desires?

If it feels good to you consider this as a focus during meditation or reflect upon it in your journal or visual diary.

Thank you for being here and reading these words.

If you found value in this post join my list below to receive the latest soul-nourishing goodness from me straight to your inbox + it’s also where I tuck in exclusive offers and freebies, yay! Know peeps who would also find value in this read? Please share the love via your fav social feed. How to work deeper with me; Check out 1:1 Sessions with me.

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So much love for you,

Jelena xx