Gathered foliage from my garden {placed in small vessels of water in gratitude to life-sustaining rains}, tea candles, tiny rose petals, pastels and a Diwali woman in the centre symbolising faith in what you are calling in + the knowing it is already on its way to you.
This was our sacred centre during the latest Way of the We.Moon, Medicine Circle with me, honouring the New Moon in Capricorn and Solar Eclipse.
During the session we had a sneak peak of one of the prompts that will feature in my new course. It starts January 2020!

And embarked on a guided meditation with my shamanic drum that had us tuning into our sacred centre.
It inspired this moon mantra for you…

Deep thanks to all of you who have sat in Circle with me in 2019, supported these offerings, shared divine feedback and most especially for the way you always show up for your divine self.
Want to attend an in-person Circle with me in 2020? Stay tuned with upcoming dates via my list. Sign up below.
Thank you for being here and reading these words.
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So much love,
Jelena xx