The New Moon in Aquarius (exact 8:42am Saturday 25 January AEDT) is an apt time to tune into your heart for guidance and direction.
Particularly with how you want to feel moving forward in relationship with; yourself, all that matters to you, Mama Earth and the world.
Allow “the world” to be what it means for you.
This is a time to set intentions, recognise how you really feel and fine-tune the connection with your heart… it knows the way to all the newness you are wanting for yourself and life.
This New Moon is the first New Moon for 2020, and also marks the Chinese New Year of the Yang Metal Rat.
If that sounds a tad rigid, clang-y and ewww you can thank the lens of our Western Culture.
Welcome Yang Metal Rat.
It’s here to radically cleanse our personal lens and support deep, meaningful and visionary change.
The energy of yang is encouraging action, aligned expansion and life-enhancing giving.
The metal element invites us to uncover and experience our hidden treasures.
And the animal wisdom of rat speaks to open-mindedness, sovereignty and the ability to be crafty.
The New Moon and the Chinese New Year are reminding us that we are born with the individual power to co-create a more empowering reality.
To call in more conscious leadership, allow yourself to be a conscious leader from within.
To call in more mindful resourcefulness, tap into and honour your inner resources.
To call in deeper connection with all life, deepen the connection with your authentic self.
These thoughts inspired my latest offering to you.

Want the printable poster + journal prompts?
As a playful way to honour these energetic and determined lunar vibes, I created a free poster for you, and included a bonus page of journal prompts! Pop your name in below and I’ll send you the high quality printable. You’ll also be on my list for regular soul-nourishing goodness (psst. this is where I tuck in exclusive offers + freebies). Yay!
Yes! Send me the poster + prompts!
Thank you for being here and reading these words.
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So much love,
Jelena xx